Transferring domain ownership to Hostinger. What are the requirements for a GoDaddy transfer domain?
Transferring your domain to your main hosting is a great solution to have all your domains in one place. In this article, I will show you how you can transfer your domain from any server or account to another hosting. GoDaddy Transfer Domain
Step 1 - Check-up before you start the transfer
Before you get start to transfer a domain , make sure that:
You have full ownership and control of the domain name that you want to transfer to any hosting account.
- The domain name is older than 60 days and is active (not suspended)
The domain was not transferred within the last 2 months.
Step 2 - Start the Godaddy Transfer Domain
To start the transfer, all you need to do for instance is:
Unlock your domain from the current registrar. You might need to contact your registrar’s support to unlock the domain.
- You can unlock your domain by following
- Login your Godaddy account
- Click on manage > Domains > Domain Setting > Domain Lock : on (make it Off)

3. Open the Hostinger Transfer Domain page (or Transfer Domain if you already have a Hostinger account)

4. Insert your domain name and click on Transfer
5. Proceed with the payment
6. Enter the EPP code and initiate the transfer
Once you finish the order, the transfer process will be started. You will receive an email regarding the domain transfer, make sure to confirm it, for instance!
After the transfer, as a result, your domain will be renewed for 1 year! This applies to generic TLDs (gTLDs) and does not apply to ccTLDs such as, .es,, etc. If you wish to know for sure if the domain will be renewed for 1 year after the transfer.
Should I change nameservers before or after the transfer?
What to do if you receive an error message?
If you encounter any errors when ordering your domain transfer, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
Error message
What to do?
Seems like this domain is available for registry. Would you like to register it?
The inserted domain is currently not registered by anyone. Please check your spelling, there may be a typo. If the domain name is correct, you can proceed with the purchase
The domain remains locked on the registrar’s component. Please liberate it, you would possibly want to touch help for that. In case you unlocked your domain recently, it’d take up to multiple hours for an exchange to take location
Sorry, this top-level domain cannot be transferred to Hostinger at the moment
Hostinger currently doesn’t support this TLD. No worries, you still can use this domain at Hostinger by pointing it to their server.