20 Creative Ways to Find WordPress Web Design Clients

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Find New WordPress Clients

How to Find WordPress Web Design Clients

I think we can all agree that one of the most stressful things about having your own business is bringing in new clients.

Not surprisingly the most common answers were:

  • Organic SEO
  • Referrals and word of mouth
  • Facebook
  • Trade associations, Chamber of Commerce, BNI, networking events, joining local networking groups
  • Blogging and podcasting
Time to Think Outside the Box: 20 Creative Ways to Find New Clients

Here are 20 creative (and very interesting) ways our members have found new WordPress clients:

1. Make Connections Wherever You Go!

Networking with other professionals and businesses in your local area can be a valuable way to find new WordPress Web Design Clients. By building relationships and establishing yourself as a trusted and knowledgeable professional in your field, you can increase your visibility and attract new business opportunities.

One strategy that can be effective is to actively seek out opportunities to connect with other professionals and businesses in your area. This might involve attending local events, joining networking groups, or simply introducing yourself and striking up a conversation with business owners and staff when you visit local shops and businesses.

“I've had two clients approach me in the supermarket after overhearing me on the phone with another – and I'm not a particularly loud phone person.”

Networking and building relationships with others in your personal and community network can be a valuable way to find new clients as a freelancer or small business owner. By connecting with people in your local area and sharing information about your business, you can increase your visibility and attract new opportunities.

It’s important to approach networking in a genuine and authentic manner and to focus on building relationships rather than just trying to make a sale. You might consider sharing information about your business and explaining how you can help others, and being open and honest about the challenges and opportunities of starting a business.

2. Agency Directory Listings

Every niche has relevant business directories. Weddings, designers, plumbers and nonprofits — the list is endless. When you have a niche, start Googling and see which directories you can be listed on. Some of you may need to pay for access to premium listings

3. Thought Leadership

directory iffitechsol WordPress Web Design Clients

You’re so used to being a “achiever ” that you might not even realize the power of your words and the value of your knowledge can bring you, new clients.

“My podcast has been a big lead generator for me. Also, I've gotten a few great clients through teaching local WordPress classes.”

4. Physically Position Yourself in the Right Place

Here I will give you some great advice that you have to put physically in the place where you should be.

For example, please don’t stay where you can see that there is no opportunity for any business and no one will need a website so it’s useless to stay at that place.  You have to move from place to beneficial place.

5. Go Above and Beyond

Going above and beyond means going beyond what is expected or required in order to achieve a goal or provide excellent service. It can involve taking extra steps, putting in extra effort, or going the extra mile to ensure that something is done to the best of one’s ability.

Going above and beyond can be a valuable trait for finding new and can lead to increased job satisfaction and success. It is often appreciated and find new WordPress Web Design Clients rewarded by employers and can help individuals stand out in their careers.

WordPress web designer

6. Co-working Spaces

For WordPress web designers, co-working spaces can be a valuable resource for finding new clients. Many co-working spaces host events and networking opportunities that can provide opportunities to meet potential clients and showcase your skills and services. 

It’s important to do your research and find a co-working space that aligns with your business goals and needs. Some things to consider when looking for a co-working space include location, cost, amenities, and the type of community that the space fosters. Overall, co-working spaces can be a great way to find new WordPress Web Design Clients and grow your business.

Consultation and Training

7. Local Printers

Local printers can be a great resource for finding new clients as a freelancer or small business owner. Many printers work with a wide range of clients and may be able to refer you to potential customers or partners.


Overall, building relationships with local printers can be a valuable way to find new clients and grow your business.

8. Guidebooks

If you come across a local guidebook or directory in a coffee shop or other public place, you can use it as an opportunity to reach out to businesses that are advertising in it. These businesses may be interested in working with a freelancer or small business owner like yourself, especially if they are looking to modernize their marketing efforts or improve their online presence.

It’s important to approach these businesses in a professional and respectful manner, and to clearly explain the services you offer and how you can help them. You can also ask if they are aware of any other businesses in the area that may be interested in your services, as this can help you expand your client base and grow your business.

guidebook WordPress web designer

9. Join Facebook Groups

Facebook groups can be a valuable resource for finding new clients as a freelancer or small business owner. By joining relevant groups, you can connect with other professionals and entrepreneurs who may be interested in your services or who could refer you to potential clients.

It’s important to remember that Facebook groups are not the place to do the hard sell or spam potential clients with promotional messages. Instead, focus on being helpful and engaging with the community by answering questions, sharing useful information, and providing value. This will help you build credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field and find WordPress Web Design Clients.

In addition to joining groups related to your industry or target market, it can also be helpful to join groups for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses. These groups can provide a supportive community and offer valuable resources and advice for growing your business.

Overall, Facebook groups can be a useful tool for finding new clients and building relationships in your industry as a freelancer or small business owner.

10. Instagram

Instagram can be a valuable platform for finding new clients as a WordPress web designer, especially if you have a creative flair and are able to effectively showcase your skills and services through visually appealing posts.

One way to use Instagram to find clients is to nurture your account by consistently posting high-quality content that showcases your work and tells the story of your brand. This can help you attract the attention of potential clients and establish yourself as a credible and trustworthy service provider.

Another option is to use Instagram’s sponsored post feature, which allows you to target specific audiences and increase the visibility of your posts. This can be a cost-effective way to reach a larger audience and potentially find new clients.

It’s important to keep in mind that building a successful Instagram presence takes time and effort, so be patient and consistent in your efforts. By using Instagram to showcase your work and engage with potential clients, you can increase your visibility and find new opportunities for growth as a WordPress web designer.

Instagram Find New WordPress Clients

11. Offer WordPress Training

Offering WordPress training services can be a great way to find new clients as a WordPress web designer, especially if you have expertise in the platform and enjoy teaching others.

There are a few different types of clients who might be interested in WordPress training services. For example, you might work with clients who have recently completed a web design project with you and are looking to learn more about how to manage their own website. Alternatively, you might work with DIY WordPress users who are constantly seeking help and guidance from online groups and forums.

Overall, offering WordPress training services can be a valuable way to find new clients and expand your business as a WordPress web designer. It allows you to leverage your expertise and skills to help others while also generating additional revenue for your business.

12. Attend Local WordPress Meetups

Attending local WordPress meetups can be a valuable way to find new WordPress Web Design Clients or consultants. These events provide an opportunity to connect with other professionals in your field and network with potential clients.

In addition to networking and finding new clients, local WordPress meetups can also be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the field, and to learn from others who have expertise in different areas.

attend local meetups Find New WordPress Clients

13. Give Away a “Strategy Session” as a Prize at a Networking Event

By delivering a high-quality workshop or presentation, you can establish yourself as a credible and knowledgeable professional in your field, and attract the attention of potential clients who are looking for help with their WordPress needs.

It’s important to carefully plan and prepare for your workshop or presentation, and to clearly communicate the value that you can provide to your audience. You might consider offering a Q&A session or providing resources and materials for attendees to take with them after the event.

14. Nurture Funnels

It’s important to regularly review and refine your nurture funnel to ensure that it is effective and providing value to potential clients. By staying engaged and providing valuable information and resources, you can increase your chances of converting referrals into paying clients and growing your business.

Find New WordPress Clients

15. Invitation Letters, Cold emails, Cold Calls

One strategy that can be effective is to make the mailer stand out by using a larger envelope or attaching a promotional item, such as a lollipop, to the top. This can increase the chances that the recipient will open the mailer and learn more about your services.

In addition to sending a mailer, it can also be helpful to follow up with non-responders through a phone call or email. This can provide an opportunity to further explain your services and answer any questions that the recipient might have.

Think outside the box when it comes to bringing in new business.

16. Uber/Lyft Driving

While driving for Uber or another ride-sharing service may not be directly related to your business or freelancing pursuits, it can provide a flexible source of income and allow you to connect with potential clients or partners. It’s important to be professional and courteous with your passengers, as you never know who you might meet or what opportunities might arise to find a WordPress Web Design Clients.

17. Yelp and Google Maps

Being listed on Google Maps can be a valuable way to increase your visibility and reach potential clients as a freelancer or small business owner. Google Maps is a popular tool that people use to search for businesses and services in their area, and being listed on the platform can help you attract new customers and grow your business.

google maps find new clients

18. Go Daddy Pro

GoDaddy Pro Connect is a free marketplace that connects GoDaddy customers with Pro members, who are experienced professionals in the web design and development industry. By joining GoDaddy Pro Connect, you can showcase your skills and services to a large audience of potential clients and potentially find new business opportunities.

In addition to the marketplace, GoDaddy Pro also offers a variety of resources and tools to help Pro members grow their businesses and connect with potential clients. This might include webinars, training resources, and other learning materials.

19. Wait… Tinder? Yes, Tinder!

It is not uncommon for business connections to be made through personal connections, and online dating is no exception. If you happen to meet someone through an online dating platform who is interested in your business or industry, it may be worth exploring the possibility of working together as a client.

It’s important to approach these conversations in a professional and respectful manner, and to clearly communicate the value that you can provide to potential clients. By building trust and demonstrating your expertise, you may be able to turn these personal connections into business opportunities.


  1. Network with other professionals and businesses in your local area and offer your services as a WordPress web designer.

  2. Attend local business events, such as trade shows or networking events, and make connections with potential clients.

  3. Utilize social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, to showcase your portfolio and promote your services.

  4. Join relevant online groups or forums, such as WordPress developer groups or web design forums, and offer your services to potential clients.

  5. Collaborate with other professionals, such as graphic designers or marketing agencies, and offer your services as a subcontractor.

  6. Create a website or blog that showcases your portfolio and includes information about your services and pricing.

  7. Offer discounted rates or special packages to new clients as a way to attract business and build your portfolio.

  8. Utilize paid advertising platforms, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, to target potential clients in your local area or within a specific industry.

  9. Offer your services as a guest speaker or workshop leader at local business events or meetups.

  10. Reach out to local businesses and offer to conduct a free website audit to identify areas for improvement and demonstrate the value of your services.

  11. Partner with local organizations or non-profits and offer discounted rates or pro bono work in exchange for a testimonial or case study.

  12. Create social media posts or blog articles that showcase your expertise in WordPress web design and share them with your followers and potential clients.

  13. Utilize job boards or freelance marketplaces, such as Upwork or Freelancer, to find potential for WordPress Web Design Clients.

  14. Offer ongoing support and maintenance packages to your clients to ensure their websites remain up-to-date and secure.

  15. Conduct market research to identify potential clients in specific industries or niches and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

  16. Use email marketing to stay in touch with past clients and promote your services to potential new clients.

  17. Create a referral program to incentivize current clients to refer you to their contacts and colleagues.

  18. Utilize SEO best practices to ensure your website and online profiles rank highly in search engine results for relevant keywords.

  19. Offer free resources or tools, such as web design templates or checklists, to attract potential clients and demonstrate your expertise.

  20. Attend industry conferences or events and make connections with potential clients in person.

Find New WordPress Clients

If you still can’t find any clients then you have to check freelance platforms where you can offer your services. Many freelancers fail due to their habits. You must need to know Why Do Freelancers Fail? 

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